Friday, February 9, 2007

I have learned a lot of things this week in 005 especially in grammar. We have the Azar book for the grammar which is the best book for grammar that I have studied. We did chapters 8 and 12 this week. Chapter 8 was about pronouns and chapter 12 was about the noun clauses. Nina did very well to explain it and I think we are going to learn a lot of grammar with the end of this semester. We also did some reading exercises which was useful to improve our reading skills.


Nina Liakos said...

Hi Mohammed,
I like Betty Azar's books, too, although since she wrote them there have been several excellent grammar books published, such as Focus on Grammar, which are also excellent in their way. Azar's examples tend to lack context, but her explanations are generally very clear and accurate.

Cristina Costa said...

HI there,
I also love Azar Grammar Book. It is my favourites one and I used to use it a lot with my students when I taught EFL.
I am glad you are enjoying your English classes.